5 puntos clave para tratar la sensibilidad dental
Written by:Dental sensitivity is a frequent problem in society, causing chills and pain. This happens when you take too cold, too hot food or you bite into something that is harder than you think. The sensation is unpleasant and annoying, translating into a twinge that runs through the teeth and clogs the gums.
What causes tooth sensitivity
The exposure of dentin, the innermost part of the teeth, to external agents is the cause of this sensation. Its exposure is due to daily wear, lack of hygiene, consumption of carbonated drinks or harmful habits such as snuff or bruxism.
Dental sensitivity is not a clinical pathology, but the unpleasant feeling that causes the patient is very unpleasant and leads them to consult the dentist to know how to alleviate it. The key, as in many other oral ailments, is the rigor in dental hygiene .
5 keys to avoid and treat dental sensitivity
- You have to take care of dental hygiene, brushing your teeth three times a day on all sides and every time you take sugary, sticky foods or carbonated drinks.
- It is important to choose the toothbrush correctly , as there are patients with tooth sensitivity that are caused by the mere brush of the toothbrush.. If this happens, you have to buy one with very soft filaments of rounded tips and brush the mouth without exerting pressure.
- Buy the most suitable toothpaste on the market, many of them are special for sensitive teeth. The components of these toothpastes allow the dentin to be strengthened, making it less exposed and external agents to affect it less.
- Do not forget the silk and the rinse , as they should be part of a good dental hygiene routine, but they are essential in those patients with dental sensitivity. The silk allows to eliminate the remains that remain in the interdental spaces and the mouthwash drags all that remains in the mouth.
- You have to take care of your diet , avoiding very acidic foods that damage the dentin. You also have to avoid taking things too cold or too hot, since sudden changes in temperature greatly affect the pieces.
- Avoid harmful habits such as smoking, biting your nails and chewing on sticks or pens. Although it is hard to say goodbye to these habits, as they damage the surface of the teeth.